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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Studio Makeover

 It all started with a new TV.  I have to admit, I'm a TVaholic.  The house is just too quiet with out it.  I spend a lot of time in my studio and it's on all the time I am there.  Some people listen to music.  Some people listen to books on tape.  Some people enjoy the peace and quiet.  I need the TV.  It is usually just background noise.  But I have to also confess that I watch/listen to a lot of those reality shows.  I know those housewives.  I love looking for houses in international countries.  And when Niecey Nash goes in to Clean a House, my jaw drops over the mess.  I do draw the line though.  I can't watch Snooky at The Jersey Shore.  I can't watch The Hoarders.  A girl has to to have some standards!

After Christmas sales on electronics were fabulous.  I saw this sweet little 22" flat screen TV with a built in DVD player.  The price was right.  And I could buy it on line without having to fight the crowds at the store.

First, I removed the old TV with layers and layers of dust.  I knew it was time for a studio makeover.  My priorities were a place for my books and storage underneath my oversized ironing board.

I made a trip to IKEA.  Their furniture is amazing.  The designers and engineers who create this stuff are brilliant.  The instructions and details are amazing.  I found this bookcase that wasn't too high.  I also found this cabinet for underneath my ironing board with sliding doors.  I love hidden storage. But that unit took me over 3 hours to put together and was more of a workout than my morning 5 mile walk.

The top of the bookcase was perfect for my new TV.  It was amazing how quickly it got filled up.  There's still room, but I have a boatload of magazines.

 And I really do love my new ironing board base.  Those sliding doors are great.
 On the right side I was able to fit 2 sewing machines and my wheelie 
with my digital projector.
On the left side, I was able to put my bead storage box, my toolbox and a few other bins.  It looks like there's room for a few more things. 

I'm so happy how that part of my studio makeover turned out.  
Now I have to keep going AND keep the section I already did neat and tidy.


  1. I love the new pieces in your studio! What a great idea for the ironing board- to have storage underneath! I can't wait to see what you do with the rest of the room. Enjoy your new TV too.

  2. Love your new have been busy!


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