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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Save the Date

I am excited beyond my wildest dreams.  January 11th, which is 5 days from now, is the release date for my book.  The books are sitting in Martingale's warehouse right now.  I want to go there and see them. A crazy thought since they are located all the way on the other side of the country in Washington state.  I have ordered 3 cases, but they cannot ship them until the release date.

To celebrate my first book, I thought I would like to have a coming out party.  I wanted to share my quilts with food and drink.  Researching different locales was a lot of fun, but not very productive.  Either I couldn't serve alcohol or I couldn't sell my book or it was waaaaaaay too expensive. 

One of my sons suggested having it at home, like an open house.  That way I could do whatever I wanted.  Hmmmmmm.  It took a few days to wrap my brain around that one.  If we removed all of the furniture from the first floor, I could hang all of my quilts like a gallery.  I could serve any food that I wanted, have my books available and a bonus would be that I could open up my studio for visitors.  As Jim Carey would say, "Alrighty then".  Let's get to work.

The date has been chosen - Sunday, February 20th, 11AM-6PM.  We're working on the menu, I'm working on my studio (note the last post) and I had a bunch of postcard invitations printed.  So if you're in the Philadelphia area, stop in to join the celebration, see the quilts,
have a bite to eat and maybe buy a book.  And if you would like a bunch of postcards to pass out, drop me an e-mail.

Check out my first purchases for my coming out party.  I love the lady with the sombrero.


  1. Congrats! How exciting! I would love some postcards. Do an electronic one and I will post about it on my blog! Ill be in PA this weekend so will miss out! Sounds like a blast! BTW I used to live in Concordeville and Brookhaven and am going up to East Berlin(near Hanover) this weekend! Now live in NC!

  2. What a shame I'm too far away!!
    Good Luck

  3. I would have loved to attend. I will be getting your book. It looks incredible!

  4. What a great idea! Wish I lived closer. Good luck. I hope you get lots of visitors and sell a ton.

  5. Yahooooooo! Bring on the limes! I can only imagine how excited you are. :)
    Debbi F.

  6. I wish I lived closer! (or even in the same country!!!) Sounds like a great party. Hope you have fun and sell lots of books!

  7. Congrats I'd love to come!

    Mary Alice

  8. Congrats! I'd love to come Mary Alice

  9. I DON"t live too far away and wouldn't miss the Open House for anything in the world. Can't wait to get my hands on the 4 books that I ordered!!

    Elaine M.


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