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Thursday, March 3, 2011

Last Stop of the Quilt Fiesta Book Blog Tour

I have a few things to get off my chest before I start writing about how much fun the Book Blog Tour (BBT) has been.  Jump over this first paragraph if you don't care to read about my rants.  But sometimes a girl just needs to vent.

1.  Hooray to Christian Dior! They did not miss a heartbeat in firing one of their esteemed designers who made horrible, hateful anti-semitic statements.  They didn't hem and haw and look at the bottom line.  They just fired him.   I wish they had something affordable that I could buy to show my support.
2.  Who the heck cares about Charlie Sheen and why does the media think we do?
3. Kudos to the Wall Street Journal Magazine.  I don't know how often they publish this little gem.  On the last page of this current issue, David Netto writes about the wonderful Philadelphia Museum of Art.  In this article he focuses on the Brancusi sculptures - the largest collection in our country.  It truly is a wonderful museum.
4.  Boo to the Supreme Court for allowing  protesters at military funerals.  These men and women that die for our country are heroes.  They should be allowed to be buried in peace.

So now that I got that off my chest, today is the last stop of the BBT.  This has been such a wonderful experience.  The quilt blogging community is generous and caring.  There were some bloggers on this tour who have a HUGE following.  There were other bloggers that could use some exposure. I have made many virtual friends and I hope you learned a lot about Quilt Fiesta. It has been an all around WIN-WIN for everyone. And 12 people will end up with a free copy by the end of the tour.
To become eligible to win a signed copy of Quilt Fiesta, become a Follower (if you are not already) and leave a comment and your e-mail address.  Make sure you let me know if you left a comment at any other blogs and if so, how many. 

You do still have a chance to put your name in for a book at:, ,  and  .


  1. I have heard so much about your book and it is on my wishlist. I have entered at every single blog as Lisa Garrett/lag123. Thank you for the giveaway!!

    lag110 at mchsi dot com

  2. Good Morning Cheryl! That aside, your pals have done your book blog tour well! I've enjoyed their interviews, reviews and pictures. I have left a comment at every stop.

  3. Hear hear Cheryl!

    I'm a follower and I've commented at every stop of the book tour!!

  4. Good morning. Thank you for the oppurtunity to win a copy of your wonderful book. I have been to visit all the blogs on the hop and signed up there too.

  5. Mornin' & I thought your "rant" was spot on, thanks for speaking up :-) I visited all the bbt pages and left comments on several, I'm pretty sure you'll be #6 for me. Some, I missed the deadline a few others I just didn't post right - new to blog following & posting ya know & don't catch on quite as quickly as I'd like sometimes. I'd so love to win your book.

  6. Hi I'm a follower, but I've no idea if I've made it to the other blogs or not--I have tried to, but...who knows! Enjoyed your rant!

  7. First off, I am a follower. Secondly, I'm pretty sure I left a comment on each stop of the tour (since I follow your blog and you directed me there. Thirdly and lastly, we in Canada respect out fallen heroes and there is, in my province of Ontario a Highway of Heroes on which the hearse travels each and every time one of the boys or men come back home. The highway is filled with ordinary citizens and many people are found lining each and every bridge that they travel under. Police, firemen, the elderly and the youth all come out and many salute the entourage. I have never heard of any protesters showing up. Sure there is free speech but shame on the protesters. As for your other comments, good for Dior and hurray for anything on art.

  8. Love the book! I think I left comments on each of the other blogs but I may have missed one around day 5 or 6.

  9. I've had a great time on this book tour. I am a new follower.

    Billie in TX

  10. thanks for the chance to win.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. I come over Bonnie! And I visited every blog on the blog tour. Great blogs full of creativity!
    And I want to be a lucky girl. Your book sounds interesting!

    Happy quilting

  12. I am a follower of your blog, newly following. I love the book! It is awesome and I might have to set aside some funding to buy it if I don't happen to win a copy. I commented on every blog I believe, everyone had such nice things to say, and all the pictures are just beautiful! Thanks!

  13. I have visited every blog on the tour & left comments at each one. I didn't become a follower, not sure how to do that. I will have to figure it out. I just put them into my "favorites" list. I just started looking at different blogs about a week before this tour started.
    It has been interesting looking at all the different blogs. I had so much fun looking at pictures & reading postings and comments. Who ever wins this book will be a lucky person. Who knows, it might even be me. Keeping my fingers crossed & wishing everyone good luck. :^)

  14. I love the book you've released. It looks like such great patterns.
    I have become a follower and also have left messages on all other blogs in the tour. Thank you very much for the chance of winning a book of my own.

  15. Fun book blog hop! Quilt Fiesta! is an excellent book and I'm truly honored to help increase awareness of it. Can't wait to see all the beautiful quilts that quilters can make with this book. So many possibilities with these delightful designs!


  16. I am follower now, and have found your blog hop book tour through Sew Cal Gal's blog. Sorry I entered the game late, and have only commented on 5 blogs (counting yours). What a wonderful book! The designs are beautiful! Kudos to your success!
    nsue21702 at gmail dot com

  17. This book will bring back happy memories of my trips to Mexico. Just loved the colorful pottery and tiles. Now living in NC, and have the beginnings of a pottery collection to complement my quilts. They make lovely decorating buddies. Thanks for the drawing.

  18. I would love a chance to own this book, maybe I will have some luck and win a copy..

  19. I have visited all the blogs and entered for a chance to win a book. Thanks for such a great journey.

  20. This book just plain makes me happy to look at. Thank you for writing it and thank you for having a give away.

  21. I have enjoyed this blog tour and checking out the "new to me" blogs. I believe I left comments on all of them - with this being #10. I would love to win a copy of the Quilt Fiesta book. I especially like the lime colored quilt. I am a new follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

  22. Would just simply love to have this book in "my room" with my treasures. Wonderful book and awesome giveaway. I have managed to drop by all blogs. Was really bun. Judy C


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