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Monday, March 7, 2011

Mud Sale Season

What is the coming of Spring good for?  Mud!  And that's why they are called Mud Sales.  In Lancaster County, PA the Fire Companies hold these big sales to raise money.

 The Amish are huge participants. Click here for the schedule. The Bart Mud sale is one of the first of the season and that's where I went with my buddy Ann on Saturday. Almost everything is sold via auction.  There were over 300 quilts.

A peek at the quilts.

 There are horses, antique furniture, crafts, household goods and buggies.  I love going with Ann.  She is not a quilter and she is a BUYER!

A buggy with a green crushed velvet interior.

Working horses waiting for a new home.

Amish on lookers.
 The hall where the quilts were being auctioned was packed.  Standing room only.  People come from far and wide to buy a hand quilted Amish quilt.  The prices are just ridiculous.  Very few of these quilts went for more than $300.  They hoisted up the quilts so everyone could see.  First on the right and then on the left.  They really kept it moving.  Here's a sampling.

Ann bought 3 quilts and a saddle for a pony! 
I bought a yummy creme filled doughnut and a hot dog.


  1. I can see why she bought quilts there...they look wonderful! Does she have a pony for that saddle though?!

  2. Ann bought the saddle for her neighbor's pony. Do saddles come in different sizes?

  3. What a fun time. Love your photos. But my heart is sad to see these beautiful Amish quilts at auction and hear that they didn't raise much money. What is the world coming to. These are high quality, beautiful handmade quilts.

    If you go again, let me know I'll send you money in advance to buy "anything".

    Of course, I'd love one of those horses too...but somehow just doesn't work in So. Cal. residential neighborhoods. Darn!



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