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Monday, June 27, 2011

Pat Sloan and Me On the Radio

Today's the day.  Actually in 2 1/2 hours.  I'm waiting for the phone call.  Pat Sloan is in NC and I'm in PA.  I will not be in her studio for the radio show, although I wish I was. (I guess it's called a podcast.)   Her producer will call me on the phone.  I'm trying to "get my head in the game"  I have surrounded myself with my quilts.  I have my book open in front of me and I have the e-mail from Pat.

I can't concentrate on anything.  I have eaten my lunch and many snacks.  Tomorrow night, I'm lecturing at Quilting On The Line in Delta, PA.  My car is already packed.  What else can I do, but wait? In the meantime, please listen and send good thoughts my way.  You can listen to me by clicking here:

And thank you to Betty Dix who introduced me to Pat.  Hope you're listening.


  1. Just listened to the did great!

  2. I wasn't home to hear it at 4pm but I listened to it after dinner and you did a great job!


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