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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Sacred Threads Exhibit

You have until July 4th to see this amazing exhibit located in Herndon, VA. For more info, check out their
There are over 170 quilts in the show that deal with grief, healing, spirituality, inspiration and joy.  It is a powerful show full of raw feelings.  The artist's statements made me really think about why some of us quilt.  It is our medium for expression.  You know that expression, a picture is worth 1000 words.  Sometimes I think we just can't express ourselves in words and quilting provides us with the means.  I know that for myself it isn't just the finished piece, but the journey of the process. 

I had 2 quilts in the exhibit.  One of them was  "Leaving Us" created to deal with my Dad and Alzheimer's.  The other was "Questions" which I created recently to channel the frustrations of dealing with cancer.

  I attended the exhibit last Saturday which was the artists' reception. I have to admit I did not get a chance to see all of the quilts.  I travelled 3 hours.  There were quilters that travelled from as far away as NC and OH.  It was an  intimate environment because there was so much chatting with both artists and visitors about quilts and inspiration.   I met so many quilters with whom I shared the same language.

Here is just a little taste of the quilts on display.  Enjoy.

I bumped into Lee Anna Paylor who used to belong to my quilt guild.  We are standing in front of "Leaving Us".

Deborah Baillieul and her beautiful quilt, "Talking Drums".
 This quilt was inspired by one of the many classes she has taken with Rosalie Dace.

"Howie" by Patricia Mikrut - A wonderful memory of her Dad

"Gotta Dance" by Susan Walen

I included this quilt for my friend Terry. 
It was made by Suzanne Kistler.

"We Are All Witnesses" by Julie Anne Benison.
 The small circles were made from men's ties from Safe Haven Ministries.

"Lemme See!" by Kate Themel
Check out the quilting in the background.

Artists' dinner with Jane Weaver and Sue Reno.


  1. Amazing pieces, love seeing art quilts and story quilts.


  2. So glad you got to see the show! congratulations for having pieces chosen.


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