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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Let's Raise Money For Alzheimer's Research

Calico Cutters Quilt Guild has an annual challenge.  The last few years we have tried to structure it so that not only do we challenge our members but also raise money for a worthy organization. This year we chose the Alzheimer's Art Quilt Initiative (AAQI) as our beneficiary.  The quilts could have any theme, but were supposed to be 8 1/2" x 11".  They were displayed at today's meeting.  People had the opportunity to purchase them with the proceeds going to AAQI.  The remaining quilts will be sent to AAQI and sold at the International Quilt Festival in Houston at the beginning of November. The mini quilts were just amazing.  48 of them all together. Take a look at what some of our talented members created:


  1. Stunning little quilts! and 48 made by generous Guild members. I just wish I had been able to see them all in person. Looks like a challenge well met.

  2. Cheryl,
    You are amazing! Not only do you do things for many charitable causes yourself but you organize events like this so a lot of other people can help too. And you make it fun!

    It was a privilege to participate. A big thank you to you and Kelly for your hard work on this project.

  3. So glad you and Kelly did this. It was a fun challenge to participate in and what a great cause. Thanks to you both.
    Debbi F


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