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Thursday, September 15, 2011

!Quilt Fiesta! at PNQE

I had so much fun hanging all of the quilts from !Quilt Fiesta! at the Pennsylvania National Quilt Extravaganza in Oaks, PA.  Yup, that's right - an exhibit of all of my quilts.  I should really say - supervising the hanging of my quilts.  It was so cool to see the behind the scenes workings of a big quilt show.  Can you tell that it was a surreal experience for me?

My friend Kelly and I headed over to the exhibit hall after our wonderful Alzheimer Quilt Challenge.  The Mancuso organization, who run the show, could not have been nicer.  We pointed, they hung - all 20 quilts.  I can't tell you how exciting it is to have so many people being able to see my designs.  And I am doing a book signing on Friday from 1-2PM at Bitty Kinna's booth and on Sat from 1-2 at Steve's Sew N Vac's booth.  If you go to the show, stop by and say hi.


My helper!


  1. Whoohoo! I'd say how cool, but that would show my age! ;) So I'll just think it instead!

  2. Congratulations Cheryl!
    Thanks for sharing these photos of your quilts.
    I can't wait to see all the quilts and you, tomorrow at the show!

  3. How wonderful for you. I can't wait to see them all together.
    Debbi F

  4. This is wonderful, Cheryl, congratulations!


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