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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Happy Birthday

We got together for my new DIL's birthday. 
 She loves to cook.  I mean serious kind of cooking
.This was one of the gifts that her new husband (aka my son) gave her.
Can you guess what it is?

It's a truffle.

He said it was quite a production to buy it.

Loren made a Baked Alaska for dessert.  It was gorgeous.

She even brought her own "weapon".

This is what it looked like on the inside, with 2 flavors of  sorbet,
vanilla ice cream and a layer of confetti cake.A great dessert for the summer.

Happy Birthday Loren!


  1. I have never had a truffle and now I am on a special diet, so no mushrooms of any kind. That baked alaska sure looks good and a nice treat in the summer.


  2. Happy BIrthday Loren! Awesome cake, save me a piece.

  3. What a thoughtful husband your son is (not surprising!). Tell Loren to send pictures of how she used that amazing huge truffle! I've never had baked Alaska, it looks like a magazine photo. I need to meet Loren!!!


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