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Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Afterglow

There's a big smile on my face!

I had a great time co-hosting Creative Mojo,
even though someone may have had too many pineapple martinis.
(Here's the link if you want to listen: )

Last time I visited his "recording studio" aka his office, his books were arranged by topic.  I think Mr. Mark has had too much time on his hands and he re-arranged them by spine color:

It's very eyecatching but Mark admits he can't find what he's looking for.

And don't believe everything you read (VBG)


  1. I am glad everything went well, sounds like a fun interview.
    I will have to go check it out and see if I can get the interview with this computer, I am bad about updating my applications.


  2. The show really rocked and was very much enjoyed - there was a nice group of us following in the online chat time we should have martini's sent there...LOL. You and Mark are a good team Cheryl! Hope you get to co-host again soon.

  3. hehe! I listened live!!! I could have used a margarita too!

  4. I enjoyed hearing you on computer radio! I love how he arranged his books by color, very quilt like I must say.


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