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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

I Get Around

Day #4 of the 31 Day Blog Writing Challenge.  I'm trying my hardest to do this, so I'm keeping short and sweet.  It is amazing when I look at the statistics about how many people have read my blog these past 3 days versus how many people were reading them 2 months ago.  It's a bit depressing, but I'll keep trying to regain your interest.

I have visited lots of quilt guilds this past year.  Almost all of them I  have driven to (and I  am starting to enjoy the driving) and then I flew to Florida.  The Program Chair picked me up at the airport and she recognized me right away!

Here are some photos from my travels. 

Can you tell that the workshop was in a firehouse? 

Sometimes I  get to visit quilt shops - Kay's in Ft Myers, FL

My schedule slows down during the Winter.  My  last workshop fro the year is this Saturday at Blue House Fabrics in Warminster, MD - SOLD OUT!

I start traveling and teaching again at the end of March 2019.  We usually head to Key West but 2019 will be another year where we're staying up North.  I'm looking forward to time in my studio to stir my creative juices and maybe learning how to use my 2 year old longarm! I've just hired someone to plow my driveway - so bring it on!

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