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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Repurpose an Outgrown Coat

My friend has this adorable little girl who has a wardrobe that Kim K. would envy! Here she is about 5 years ago in this gorgeous fluffy coat.   Check out those zebra striped boots!

They both loved this coat and even  though it no longer fit, couldn't part with it.  So we did some surgery.  I cut and trimmed and sewed and stuffed and transformed it into a pillow!

It was so soft and great to snuggle with.  My friend was very happy, indeed.

This is Day #3 of the 31 day Bloggers Challenge.  I am trying to determine if blogging is still relevant with IG and FB.  I'm willing to give it a try.  To see other bloggers who are participating, visit HERE.

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