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Monday, December 3, 2018

Addicted To Machine Embroidery

Day #2 of the 31 Day Blog Challenge.
I enjoy embroidering names on gifts.  I have been tied up with my Mini Mosaics for quite a while and have little time to do any machine embroidery.  My DIL's birthday is soon and she loves white monogrammed towels.  I bought the towels a few weeks ago and finally set up my machine to embroider.  But, as usual, there was no cooperation.  The tension was a mess and I knew it was time to bring my machine to the dealer to  be adjusted and cleaned.

As soon as I arrived home, I set to monogramming the towels.  It worked like a charm.  Four towels done in an afternoon.  I have to wait until after her birthday to share.  But I can show you the subsequent projects.

My favorite baby gift is an embroidered hooded towel.  I'm told so often that the child uses it for years and years later. They don't outgrow them. Moms love them.  

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 A few kids' gifts:

And a bag made with Henry.  He was mesmerized by the stitching.
I haven't put my machine away yet - thinking about what I can hoop next!

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