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Sunday, December 2, 2018

I cannot believe that is has been over 2 1/2 months since I wrote a blog post.  Even before that my posts were intermittent over the past year.  It is so easy to post on Instagram and then have it automatically post to FB.  The drawback to that is there are lots of photos but very little background information, including info about my inspiration and process.  

Recently, Chereyl Sleboda (aka Muppin) offered up a Blogging challenge to get us lapsed bloggers into the habit of blogging again.  Today is my first day.  The commitment is to post daily for 31 days.  My posts may be short and sweet, but maybe it will get me going again.

You can head to to see who else is participating in this challenge and maybe find some new blogs to follow.

As a heads up, a lot has happened since my last blog post on 9/11/2018.  I'll have lots to post but I know they won't be in chronological order.  Tomorrow I'll write about my current addiction to machine embroidery.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me and welcome any new followers.
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