There has been a thread on one of the quilting lists that I often read, about choosing an inspirational word for the year. The object is to encourage and inspire the individual to grow as an artist, or in whatever area interests you. The types of words that people have chosen range from "create", "joy", experiment, innovate, bold, focus,thrive
I guess anti-procrastination could be a good word for me. But, I figured I could give myself a little extra time to choose a word. We are still in Key West, Florida and will be until the end of January. During my morning walk today, my word came to me as I watched the sun come up.
It is amazing to watch that big yellow ball appear before your very eyes. It is so quiet and still and once the sun first appears, it isn't long before it finds it's place in the sky.
But, there is a certain glow before the sun peaks up at the horizon that I think might be even more beautiful than the sunrise, especially when there are clouds.

So my inspirational word for the year is sunrise. I chose it not just for its beauty, but for its uniqueness. Each day, here in Key West, we can see both the sunrise and the sunset. The sun rises over the Atlantic Ocean and sets over the Gulf of Mexico. It is a very special location. To me, no 2 sunrises are alike and there is no "perfect".
The sunrise signals the start of a new day. It's an opportunity to start over. You can restart your attitude or your diet or your daily goals. You can start a new project, a new relationship, a new book. The slate is clean. And if today doesn't go the way you planned, there will always be a new sunrise tomorrow.