I am in love with making fabric mosaics. As I was working on my newest project, I was thinking about why I like them so much. After 2 years of making mosaic after mosaic, why haven't I gotten bored with them?
I find them calming and I find them forgiving. If I miscut a piece, I set it aside and cut a new piece. I get to use lots and lots of batik fabrics. I have quite a collection! Sometimes I get overwhelmed with all the things that need to get done for my business. In the midst of the stress, I may get an idea for a new Mini Mosaic pattern. (Oh who am I kidding, I have a ton of ideas floating around in my head!) I'll take a few days to design a new one and by focusing on that design, everything else in my brain disappears - work problems, family problems, world problems.
These are a few of my newest ones:

Can you tell that these were inspired by my time in Key West? (Which I plan on returning to next Winter.)
The Minis measure 11"x14" finished. The one on my worktable today will measure 28" square. It's unusual to use a mini for inspiration for a larger piece, but I loved that Key West Sunrise so much, that I wanted a larger quilt.
I do know why I love making these fabric mosaic quilts. They are puzzles. They are puzzles made up of 3/8" squares. Squares that I cut and trim to fit my line drawing pattern. Where do I start? What direction do I follow? How do I cut the squares to fit? The challenge in making a Mini Mosaic quilt appeals to me. It appeals to both the creative and logical side of my brain.
There is something about making quilts that appeals to all of us. Whether it is logically oriented or a creative outlet, we make them because we love to and often we make them because we have to. Sometimes the origin of a quilt comes from our heart. Each stitch is made we love. We think about who we are making them for. Can they feel the love? We hope so, don't we?
If you want to see more of my Mini Mosaic patterns/kits, visit my Etsy shop by clicking HERE
One more thing. If you live in the Glen Mills, PA area and are free this Saturday (3/24), I am giving a second Mini Mosaic quilts wotkshop with The Brandywine Valley Quilt Guild. I know there are some spaces left, so email me if you're interested. oyveyquilts@yahoo.com