The objects depicting the seasons are fused and then machine blanket stitched.
Although I love the sheep and the wagon filled with french knot flowers, my favorite is the chickens.
I really wanted to add a top and bottom border to the quilt made up of quilt blocks. This would add to that folk art feeling. I thought it would be quick and easy. I spent a day and a half trying to get this to work. This is the block that I made over and over in many different colorways. I kept auditioning many fabrics - repros, clear colors, on and on. Sometimes I find that I have to set aside some of my ideas. It takes a while to let it go, but after a day and a half, I knew this wasn't going to work.
Finally, after agonizing and pacing around my studio, an idea popped into my head. ( This is how it usually works for me - not usually in an expedient manner.) I had a bin of finished wool pennies that I was going to make into a penny rug. I think I made them about 2 or 3 years ago. After a successful audition, I created a top border with a sun and 2 crows and called the quilt "Primitive Seasons". So my "quick and easy" took me 2 weeks, but it's not a UFO any more.
I really like the mixture of wool and cotton. It measures 50"wide x 32" high. There has been so much interest in it that I am thinking about making it into a pattern. This would encourage me to bring back my Mother Hen patterns that I really never marketed. I put these together about 5 years ago. All of the patterns were wool and I had kits for almost all of them. I'll have to dig out the pattern covers and do a blog post.
This is all just too much fun, but I could use either more hours in a day or an assistant!
I love it! Glad you went back to finish!