Our quilt guild is having an auction next month. These fundraisers are necessary to help pay for our monthly meetings, especially when we have nationally known speakers. I try to donate something, wether it's a finished piece or offering a class. I am not sure what my schedule is going to be like this spring since it seems like my time will be tied up with the bulk of the editing of my book. So I decided to donate some hand dyed fabric.
Previously, I had used a kit from Pro Chemical and Dye. It was a Rainbow Gradation Kit. It resulted in 30 fat eighths of cotton fabric. I started with 3 different dyes - Mustard, Navy and Burgundy. The wonderful thing about dyeing this way is that all of the fabrics "go together". I even dyed a scrap piece of fabric with the leftover dye in a mottled design that worked as my binding. I liked the value and colors so much that I ordered the 3 dyes so that I could do it again. (Just one word of caution here. Dyeing can be hazardous to your health. You need to take proper precautions to not inhale the dye powder and make sure you use containers/utensils that are dedicated for dyeing only - not for food use after you have used them for dyeing.)
This would be the perfect time to do this again. I had some tone on tone beige fabric - enough for 12 fat quarters. The only problem was that I couldn't find the directions that came with the kit. This is the story of my life. After spending a considerable amount of time looking for my hard copy and searching Pro Chem's website, I found a website with directions that were similar, at http://www.quiltpox.com/. I pre-washed my fabric, made up the three dye solutions and the soda ash solution. I deviated from the directions in combining the different dyes so that I ended up with 12 different colors. This can be done with any variations of the 3 primary colors. A - Mustard, B- Navy, C-Burgundy. I used zip lock baggies and placed them in a plastic cup for stability while filling them.Below are the tablespoons of dye solution that I added to the soda ash solution in each of the baggies.
#1 4 Tbsp A
#2 4 Tbsp B
#3 4 Tbsp C
#4 2 Tbsp A + 2 Tbsp
#5 2 Tbsp A + 2 Tbsp C
#6 2 Tbsp B + 2 Tbsp C
#7 1 Tbsp A + 3 Tbsp B
#8 1 Tbsp B + 3 Tbsp C
#9 1 Tbsp A + 3 Tbsp C
#10 3 Tbsp A + 1 Tbsp B
#11 3 Tbsp B + 1 Tbsp C
#12 3 Tbsp A + 1 Tbsp C
The next step was to add the fabric. Into each baggie I place a fat quarter of the fabric, zipped it and smooshed it as best I could. It is also important to place the baggies once they are filled with dye and fabric into a large container like a dishpan, just in case one of the baggies leaks. Then the hardest part was yet to come. I ha to let them sit overnight.

Fabrics turned out great. Thanks for the recipe--the weather is warming up, so I will have to give it a try soon!