F is for fabric!
The definition of a quilter in the dictionary should include, "loves fabric".
We love to look at fabric. We love to touch fabric. We love to buy fabric. We love to cut up fabric and then sew it back together. We are what's called Fabricholics.
Almost every quilter I know has a stash of fabric, because we love to buy it. Sometimes we buy it because we have a project for it and sometimes we buy it because we just like it and have to own it. Some of us display it proudly and some of us squirrel it away in drawers, in plastic bins, under the bed and in closets.
None of us want to think about how much money we have spent developing our stash!
Something that non-quilters might now know is that stashes need to be managed. How do we manage our stash? We do it by organizing and folding and refolding, especially when we are done with a project. We also make an assessment from time to time. This is when we realize that there may be holes in our fabric collection, whether it be a color or pattern. This gives us another good excuse to buy more fabric. After all our stash is our palette.
I spent this week "managing" my stash.
Messiness, fabric on the floor and bulging shelves were a few of the motivators. It is rewarding to see my fabric organized and neatly folded.
It is not a big stash. I have seen much bigger, (not to mention any names my dear friend S).
And it's not a small stash.
As written in Goldilocks & the 3 Bears, it's just right for me.
But that will not prevent me from buying more.
So, F is for fabric.
I started with a low contrast printed piece of fabric.
Then I used my printer to print the word "fabric" in a contrasting color,
over and over again in many different fonts,
just like there are many different types of fabric.

After printing, I layered it with a low loft batting and quilted it.
The quilting obscures the words somewhat and that makes it a happy little surprise, once it is noticed.
Then I used my favorite sequins in chartreuse to decorate a large applique F (for fabric!!)
How do you "manage" your stash?
Or don't you?