I finally decided to settle down and quilt my beloved Bailey quilt. I finished the top in January. You can read about its construction in previous blog posts.
I have been thinking and thinking about how to quilt it.
I was pretty sure I wanted the direction of her fur to be my guide.
I was looking for the courage to start.
Then, a package arrived in the mail. A book!
A book about people and portraits compiled by Martha Sielman.
It couldn't have been better timing.
This book is fabulous and browsing though all the beautiful quilts, I got the courage I needed to start.
I came up with a plan. I printed the quilt on a piece of 8 1/2"x11" paper. I slipped it into a plastic page protector and roughly drew my vision - following the lines of her fur.
I started doing the quilting one section at a time, starting with her nose and radiating outward. And of course I had to adjust as I progressed because paper isn't cloth. As I finished a section, I poured through my machine quilting books looking for inspiration for the next section.
Machine quilting is not my forte. I do enjoy it and I like the puzzle aspect of it. I do not mark my quilts for free motion quilting because then I don't think it's spontaneous - which is what I like. To be spontaneous, the design needs to flow from within. To achieve this, I find a design that speaks to me and then I start drawing with a pencil on a piece of paper. The design often morphs and changes while drawing into something that I am comfortable with. Then I know I am ready to stitch it and then sometimes it changes again. The flow is what's important.
Ta Da! Here it is. Done.
I am very happy. It is finished and bound with a sleeve and a label, ready to hang.
Here are some close-ups of my quilting - not too close though.

It looks wonderful. I'm betting Bailey gives 'paws up' (since dogs don't have thumbs) on this one! :D
ReplyDeleteWow she looks great I can't wait to see it in person.I do notice the "pink" collar!
ReplyDeletelooks awesome, variegated thread?
ReplyDeleteOMG - she's sooooo PERFECT! I just LOVE her little curly-doodles!!! Truly inspirational!! (but I can sure understand how you had to screw up your courage, not wanting to "mess up" such a pretty piece with quilting that may or may not work the way you'd envisioned.
ReplyDeleteWhat a wonderful way to do the quilting, I was thinking about doing an overlay or just drawing on a photo of the piece, to get ideas.
ReplyDeleteHe looks wonderful, love how he came out.
Glorious results, Cheryl! You should be so proud!!!
ReplyDeleteYou have outdone yourself! Oh my! Such detailed quilting. Can;t wait to see it from up close. Looks just like Baily!
ReplyDeleteBeautiful! Can't wait to see it in person!
ReplyDeleteCongrats, Looks wonderful!
ReplyDeleteCongrats! Looks wonderful!!
ReplyDeleteMazel Tov on being included in the magazine. This means I'll need to buy a copy. Looks great.