This offer was from Shutterfly. It was for an 8"x 8" hardback book made up of 20 pages. Looking through a bunch of my quilts, my Judaic quilts seemed like a cohesive body of work that would fill 20 pages nicely. I decided to do it as an experiment and not obsess over the photos and whether it should be chronological order or it should just look nice. I wasn't even sure if the colors would print true to the original.
Shutterfly offers different page layouts depending on how many photos are to be included on a page. I decided that a mixture of close-ups and full view gave a lot of movement and kept the book from becoming static. I liked the black background. It made the photos pop. I couldn't choose just one photo for the cover, so I did a collage.
So I just started. Honestly there was a bit of a learning curve. It was a bit more difficult than drag and drop, but I eventually got the hang of it. My photos aren't cropped perfectly. It warned me about a few low resolution photos. They did come out a bit blurry. I even found a typo. But I like it. I am happy with how the photos and color reproduced. I now have a nice photo book that I would rank as a positive experience. It's a nice New Year present to myself.
This is what came in the mail, inside of a cardboard sleeve.