Our quilt guild's speaker for the month of October was
Sue Spargo. She does amazingly gorgeous wool and cotton applique quilts. I love wool applique. It is so soothing and forgiving. I signed up to take the workshop with her to learn more about her technique and how she chooses her bright and cheerful colors. My son's girlfriend came as my guest. After raising 2 boys, I have been waiting and waiting for someone to share my interests. (Thanks Loren.)
Sorry Sue - you're a little blurry. |
Sue, who is from Ohio, is originally from South Africa. She is lovely, patient and full of information and has a charming accent. She came with an SUV-ful of wonderful goodies displayed beautifully in antique suitcases. It was an amazing amount of eye candy. There were tons of her kits and books, wonderful threads and luscious hand dyed wool and silk velvets, just to name my favorite things.
The wool is all hand dyed by Sue's sister. |
It was really hard to pick a project. |
This was the project that I finally chose. And so did Loren. |
The quilts Sue shared during her lecture were the epitome of folk art. The combination of wool, cotton, hand applique and machine quilting were unlike any other quilts that I have seen. Inspiring!
I would love to take a class with her, and all that beautiful wool, would be in heaven.
I envy your taking that class. I do intend on getting one of her books/cd and trying a project with lovely wools.