Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sew Embellished! Give-A-Way

To celebrate the publication of Sew Embellished!, we are having a blog tour.  Eleven bloggers are involved and you will have the opportunity to visit each of their blogs over the next 11 weeks to win a copy of Sew Embellished!  However, if you cannot wait, you can always go to your local quilt shop or Amazon to buy a copy now.  Or if you want a signed copy from me, head to my etsy shop.

In the book I have shared many of the techniques that I use to personalize my quilts.  I feel like I have said so much of this before, so without further ado, leave a comment and let me know if you have done any embellishing before or if this will be your maiden voyage.  REMEMBER that your comment must have an address where I can reach you.  Sometimes the address is a no reply blogger address.  You can have 2 chances to win if you are one of my Followers or if you sign on as a new follower.  I will be picking the winner next Sunday, May 6th.

Here is the list of blogs that are participating in the tour.  There are a variety of quilters and artists and I think you will enjoy the blogs if you haven't already visited.  You can enter to win a book at each stop.
June 4 That Patchwork Place
June 25 Kathy Loomis
July 16 Cheryl Sleboda


  1. Yes, I do some embellishment with crystals and buttons, mostly. I could use more instruction so your book would be a perfect addition to my library. Thanks for the chance to win.

  2. I'm one of your loyal followers. Thanks.

  3. I guess that you could say my embellishing style is simplistic and I could use a reference book to give me inspiration and ideas. Thanks for the chance - the book does look fantastic!

  4. Am a follower, and I don't think I've used embellishments on quilts. I do use it on clothing ie on pj's especially, to point out the front of the pants, I will put either pockets on the back, or I often used to put a button on the front. This way the little ones knew front from back. Thanks for the giveaway.

  5. I have not done any embellishing but love your work and would love a copy of your book so I could learn how.
    I am also a loyal follower.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  6. I mostly do embellishing with little stitcheries or buttons. I would love to learn more. Your book sounds very interesting!

  7. I am also a happy follower!Thanks for another chance!

  8. I sewed buttons on totes and bags. I have not jumped into it yet. This is new to me. I've only been quilting for two years and I like the bags and accessories. I will have to give it a try...Thanks for hosting Cheryl and I am a new follower..Judith, Texas @

  9. I too am a follower. I've embellished fabric pins and mixed media paintings but as yet have not tried it on quilts. Another tantalizing application to pursue!

  10. I'm a follower. I love the look of your new book. I finally have the top done from the class I took of yours, now to consider finishing and embellishing. Someday soon I hope....

  11. The only embellishing I've done before is to add buttons!

  12. I have not done a lot embellishing, but I am excited to try! So glad
    I met you, Cheryl! Love your work!

  13. I have embellished with lots of different things, but always looking for new ways of stitching or new things to add.

  14. I just became a follower, can`t wait to read up on all your goodies.

  15. neophyte embellisher but willing to learn.

  16. Congratulations on your book! I sometimes embellish with buttons, ribbons and appliques.


  17. I am so interested in learning more about embellishing as I have not tried it before. Thank you for the opportunity.

  18. Just popping in from SewCalGal's blog and I have to tell you, I am really excited about your new book!! I will be your next new follower!!

  19. Oops, did my comment not go through?? Am just returning after becoming a follower. Just in case, I'll leave another because I am so excited about your new book!!

  20. I came over from the Blog Hop at SewCalGal. Your book looks fascinating and I'd love to try my hand at some embellishments. A girl in our guild does wonderful work and I'm always jealous of her quilts :*) I'm a new follower!!!

  21. I just became a follower. Loved your first book.

  22. I am on the blog hop, reading at sewcalgal.

  23. The book looks like great fun. Just became a follower.

  24. Hi there. I just bought your great book and have started my own home tweet home piece. I love to embellish with buttons and 'found' object. Thank for being so creative and for sharing your time and talent. cheers

  25. Came over from SewCalGals. You book looks like so much fun. I'm a follower.

  26. I am now a follower and came over from Sewcalgal.

  27. I am now a follower and came over from Sewcalgal.

  28. Thanks to SewCalGal, I have just found out about your blog and your books. I wish I'd been aware of them before, but I will certainly get familiar with them now. I am "creativity-challenged" and it will help so much to see what you create and how you've done it. Thanks!

  29. I have done a little embellishing and NEED to learn more!!! I got some polymer clay for Christmas and no resource showing me how to use it, so your book would be perfect for that too. I found out about you from SewCalGal's blog today, and am now following your blog.

  30. I am already a follower and think your new book looks great!

  31. This book looks like just what I need to learn this new tool for making my quilts even more awesome.

  32. I did some embellishing on crazy quilting, but I want to learn more and get ideas for embellishing art quilts. Your book looks like so much FUN!

  33. Your book looks like just what I need at this point in my quilting adventures.

  34. I have embellished on crazy uilting, but would love to learn more for work on art quilts. Your book looks like a fun way to learn more about this.

  35. congratulations on your new book...


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