Saturday, January 5, 2013


There is something wrong with blogger.  This is the platform I use to do my blog posts.  It won't let me put photos in my posts.  What good are blog posts about quilting without photos???
I keep checking several times a day to see if it works now. But not yet. This morning I found out that there are others and it is not just me. 
I have lots to share.  The post about how I put together my Wednesday's Wanderings is written and waiting for photos.  I also have a unique solution for a temporary design wall that I can't wait to show you.  I will keep trying and will post as soon as they let me.


  1. try picasa. I downloaded it and have my quilt photos there, then I have certain folders selected to upload automatically when I open the program, so on blogger I can easily see them

  2. Same thing happened to me last night (and today) but a friend told me to go into the html tab and insert photos from there and I was able :) Good luck!

  3. I haven't been happy with blogger ever since they changed their format. I hardly ever post anymore and I'm not savvy enough, or interested enough to spend even more time on the computer, to try new things.

  4. I had this happen before Christmas, but was able to use Firefox and Blogger worked ok on it, but I haven't blogged lately.

  5. Have you changed your browser recently? Some browsers just don't work well with site building and scripts.


  6. Try this which Wanda at Exuberant Color posted when she had the same problem: Click on the Add Photo icon, click on From this blog and a line of writing appears at the top with a link to Picasa web albums. Click on it and Upload is a button at the top. You can now upload lots of photos at once from your computer and name the folder so you will know where to find them. Then when you want to add them to your post, click on From Picasa Web Albums and choose the folder your photos are in and add them like you used to do it. I add them one at a time and enlarge and move them with the left orientation and then choose my font and size and type my words. Then I move the cursor down a line and add another photo and repeat. This way the photos are clickable to enlarge and my wording is where I want it by each photo.


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